Haiti – Venezuela : «Haiti continues to be a model for our America» dixit Nicolás Maduro


The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, and the Venezuelan people extend their sincere congratulations to the Government and the sister Republic of Haiti to commemorate the 214 years of its independence.

“Haiti has always been an example of libertarian principles, of advocacy and equality. The steadfastness, perseverance and revolutionary character of its people are historical elements that continue to be a model for Our America and for the world.

The homeland of Bolívar and Chávez sends its warmest congratulations on the occasion of this National Day and reaffirms its commitment to honor the Republic of Haiti and the historical legacy of giants such as Alexandre Pétion and Toussaint Louverture; to continue the struggle for equality, sovereignty, social justice and the promotion of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean through initiatives such as Petrocaribe and ALBA.”

Recalling in his message, that the late leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, Commander Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías (died March 5, 2013 http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-8024-haiti-flash-president-hugo-chavez-passed-away.html ) had said about Haiti, January 17, 2010 “Haiti, the first black republic of the world and the first Republic of Our America from January 1, 1804, managed to defeat the Napoleonic troops after 12 years of struggle. Haiti: that of the black Jacobins, that of Toussaint Louverture and Alexandre Pétion. Haiti: that of Miranda arrived with his dream of liberating a whole continent and as it will happen with Bolivar which received all the solidarity and the support of the black Jacobins and hoist for the first time our flag on March 12th, 1806.”

“The homeland of Petión is also the homeland of Bolivar.

¡ Que viva Haití !”

By: HL/ HaitiLibre.com | January 2, 2018


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