The city of Gonaïves will have its Airport


On Wednesday, a meeting on the construction of Gonaïves Airport in Morne Blanc brought together notably Olivier Jean General Director of the National Office of Civil Aviation (OFNAC), Colonel Irving Mehu, Director General of the National Airport Authority (AAN) and Senator of the Artibonite Carl Murat Cantave.

Asked about the cost of this airport, Olivier Jean was very discreet and did not release any amount, stressing that the project was in the field study phase…

Yves Mozart Augustin, the Director of Planning and Engineering at the AAN, said that the study is currently being carried out on the best place to build this airport, and he believes that the construction of this infrastructure will last two years.

Colonel Irving Mehu, who confirmed with Olivier Jean that the city of Gonaïves will soon have its airport, recalled that the AAN was working to satisfy the travelers all over the country, citing other projects of large scale to come such as the expansion of the parking lot, the reorganization of the diplomatic hall and the reconstruction of the building of the fire brigade of the Toussaint Louverture Airport.

By: HaitiLibre | September 30, 2017


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