Customs officers accept a truce…


On Friday, the second day of the Customs strike, the General Administration of Customs (AGD) began talks with the strikers’ representatives to find common ground and to end the strike called “Operation arms crossed”, which paralyzed for 48 hours, all the offices and customs posts of the country…

The Committee of the Haitian Customs Association (ADH) and the union reminded that the demands of the customs officers predate the introduction of the 2017-2018 budget in Parliament and call, among other things, for a salary increase of 80% and a special status on the same basis as police officers because of the importance of their mission and their responsibilities: fiscal, economic and security (anti-smuggling).

The ADH Committee and the trade union recalled that customs officers demanded a salary increase of 80% and a special status in the same way as the Haitian National Police officers and teachers.

Luders Jean-Remy, member of the ADH Committee deplores the fact that the Ministry of Finance and the AGD who had been warned more than 8 days before this possibility.

An agreement of principle was found Friday at the end of the day in the Prime Minister’s office, between the government and the trade unionists of the AGD to the Prime Minister’s office.

It was agreed that from Monday, October 9, a truce will be observed and that the customs officers will resume their work, whose paralysis has important effects on the revenue of the state. This information was confirmed on Friday by Michelson Nelson, Spokesman of the trade unions of the customs officers, without knowing the details of the concessions of the Government…

By: HaitiLibre – 10/09/2017


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