Positive Meeting Between Moïse And The IDB


On Tuesday, on the sidelines of the 72nd Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Jovenel Moïse received in audience Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to discuss the priorities of the Government of Haiti.

President Moïse insisted on the Caravan of Change as a strategy to bring the State closer to the population by providing basic services and giving it the tools it needs to develop its environment. A medium-term strategy aiming to attract investment in the region; to build road, energy and social infrastructures.

For his part, the President of the IDB welcomed initiatives to deconcentrate public services, fight corruption and reform public administration.

Moreno indicated that he intended to take steps to support the implementation of the priorities of the Moïse Administration and announced that he will visit Haiti on October to inquire about the progress of the Caravan of Change and assess its needs.

This meeting is part of President Moïse’ determination to find more opportunities for the country and to attract potential investors to Haiti.

By: HL/ HaitiLibre | September 21, 2017


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