Fraud forces EDH to ration the power in Delmas


In a note dated Wednesday, Electricity of Haiti (EDH) recalls and regrets that since September 25, 2017 the power rationing has intensified in some areas of the commune of Delmas, including Delmas 33 until 75 and Delmas 32 until 50 explaining “This unfortunate situation that penalizes regular customers is due mainly to the bad behavior of certain residents conservatives and fraudsters who prevent the completion of the company’s plan to repair all the grids in the area for setting up meters in order to better serve the population.

The EDH appeals to the entire population and especially to the former committees responsible for theseneighborhoods to remedy this worrying situation which only worsens the already precarious conditions of distribution and marketing of electricity in the country. This will undoubtedly lead to a break with the old practices benefiting only a small group of the zone and hindering at the same time the evolution of the whole commune.”

By: HL/ HaitiLibre | September 28, 2017


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